

Welcome to the 2024-25 Music Program at Patrick Henry High School. This page has all the resources you need to get started.

Subscribe to our Calendar for the most up-to-date events for Band, Orchestra & Guard.

Parent Meeting Information Packet

The full Information Packet was distributed at the Big Band/Guard Meeting on Wednesday, July 17 at 6:30pm. If you missed the meeting, please complete the steps below.  

Step One - Register

Please complete the online Registration form below. There are other forms which require signatures. Those forms can be downloaded in Step Two. 

Step Two - Authorizations & Medical Forms

Forms in the information packet must be printed, signed, and turned in during Registration Days -  July 19 (4-7 pm), July 20 (9 am - noon), July 24 (Noon - 1pm) or July 29 (2-3 pm). Choose one day to attend with your student(s). The process takes about 15 minutes. 

 These forms were distributed at the Big Band & Guard Meeting on July 17, 2024. Click the link below to download the information packet. 

Forms to return with signature:

Step Three - Return Forms and Uniform Fitting

The forms listed above can be returned on any of the Registration Days: July 19 (4-7 pm), July 20 (9 am - noon), July 24 (Noon - 1pm) or July 29 (2-3 pm). Come any time on ONE of these days. The process should take about 15 minutes.

We will have copies of all of the forms available at Registration Days if you are unable to print them or did not receive them at the meeting. 

While you are submitting paperwork, your student(s) will be fitted for uniforms and Dinkles (marching shoes). 

Please send an email to if you have any questions. 

Step Four- Marching Essentials and Spirit Wear

Our new Spirit Wear store is up an running. Place your order today to buy your PHHS music program gear and support the program with pride! Click the links below or scan the QR code to access the stores. 

Your child will need:

Clothing items and socks

Dinkles Marching Shoes

Dinkles Marching Shoes

Step Five - Sign Up to Volunteer! 

Download, complete and turn in the volunteer packet to join the fun.


Donation can be made by PayPal or check.   Use the QR Code for PayPal payments.

PayPal QR Code.

All Financial Contributions Are Welcome!


Please enter your student's name and the purpose of payment in the notes section. For example:

"Taylor Swift, family contribution"

"Joe Jonas, uniform and spirit-wear payment"

Thank you!